Variant information

Systematic Name
Protein name
Alternate systematic Name
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Genomic nomenclature
Mutation type Missense
Domain MBD
Pathogenicity Unknown

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No: Systematic Name Protein name Gender Phenotype Proband id References View
1 c.403A>G p.Lys135Glu Unknown Rett syndrome-Not certain 1286 Mutation spectrum in patients with Rett syndrome in the German population: Evidence of hot spot regions:Laccone, F., Huppke, P., Hanefeld, F., and Meins, M.:Human Mutation: 11241840 View details
2 c.403A>G p.Lys135Glu Unknown Rett syndrome-Not certain 1287 Mutation spectrum in patients with Rett syndrome in the German population: Evidence of hot spot regions:Laccone, F., Huppke, P., Hanefeld, F., and Meins, M.:Human Mutation: 11241840 View details
3 c.403A>G p.Lys135Glu Female Rett syndrome-Classical 2578 Mutation analysis of the MECP2 gene in patients of Slavic origin with Rett syndrome: novel mutations and polymorphisms:Zahorakova, D., Rosipal, R., Hadac, J., Zumrova, A., Bzduch, V., Misovicova, N., Baxova, A., Zeman, J., Martasek, P.:Journal of Human Genetics: 17387578 View details
4 c.403A>G p.Lys135Glu Female Rett syndrome-classical 2934 Screening of MECP2 coding sequence in patients with phenotypes of decreasing likelihood for Rett syndrome; a cohort of 171 cases:Kammoun, F., de Roux, N, Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Vallée, L, seng, R., Tardieu, M., Landrieu, P.:J Med Genet: 15173251 View details
5 c.403A>G p.Lys135Glu Female Rett syndrome-not certain 3112 Spectrum and distribution of MECP2 mutations in 424 Rett syndrome patients: a molecular update:Philippe C, Villard L, de Roux N, Raynaud M, Bonnefond JP, Pasquier L, Lesca G, Mancini J, Jonveaux P, Moncla A, Chelly J, Bienvenu T:European Journal of Medical Genetics: 16473305 View details
6 c.403A>G p.Lys135Glu Female Rett syndrome-not certain 3433 Spectrum of MECP2 mutations in Rett syndrome:Bienvenu T, Villard L, de Roux N, Bourdon V, Fontes M, Beldjord C, Tardieu M, Jonveaux P, Chelly J:Genetic testing: 12180070 View details
7 c.403A>G p.Lys135Glu Female Rett syndrome-classical 4096 Mutation analysis in Rett syndrome:Milunsky, J.M., Lebo, R.V., Ikuta, T., Maher, T.A., Haverty, C.E., Milunsky, A.:Genetic Testing: 11960578 View details
8 c.403A>G p.Lys135Glu Female Rett syndrome-preserved speech 6618 ::: View details