Variant information

Systematic Name
Protein name
Alternate systematic Name
Alternate Protein name
Genomic nomenclature
Mutation type Silent
Domain TRD
Pathogenicity Silent polymorphism

View proband information

No: Systematic Name Protein name Gender Phenotype Proband id References View
1 c.843C>T p.Ala281Ala Female Rett syndrome-Not certain 1127 Diagnostic testing for Rett syndrome by DHPLC and direct sequencing analysis of the MECP2 gene: identification of several novel mutations and polymorphisms:Buyse, Inge M., Fang, Ping, Hoon, Katherine T., Amir, Ruthie E., Zoghbi, Huda Y. and Roa, Benjamin B.:American Journal of Human Genetics: 11055898 View details
2 c.843C>T p.Ala281Ala Female Rett syndrome-Not certain 1900 ::: View details
3 c.843C>T p.Ala281Ala Female Not Known 2043 ::: View details
4 c.843C>T p.Ala281Ala Unknown Not Rett synd. 4619 Systematic sequencing of X-chromosome synaptic genes in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia:Piton, A., Gauthier, J., Hamdan, F.F., Lafreniere, R.G., Yang, Y., Henrion, E., Laurent, S., Noreau, A., Thbodeau, P., Karemera, L., Spiegelman, D., Kuku, F., Duguay, J., Destroismaisons, L., Jolivet, P., Cote, M., Lachapelle, K., Diallo, O., Raymond, A., Marineau, C., Champagne, N., Xiong, L., Gaspar, C., Riviere, J.-B., Tarabeux, J., Cossette, P., Krebs, M.-O., Rapoport, J.L., Addington, A., DeLisi, L.E., Mottron, L., Joober, R., Fombonne, E., Drapeau, P., Rouleau, G.A.:Molecular Psychiatry: 20479760 View details
5 c.843C>T p.Ala281Ala Unknown Not Rett synd. 5196 MECP2 gene study in a large cohort testing of 240 female patients and 861 healthy controls (519 females and 342 males):Maortua, H., Martinez-Bouzas, C., Garcia-Ribes, A., Martinez, M.-J., Guillen, E., Domingo, M.-R., Calvo, M.-T., Guitart, M., Gabau, E., Botella, M.-P., Gener, B., Rubio, I., Lopez-Ariztegui, M.-A., Tejada, M.-I.:J Mol Diagn: 23810759 View details