Proband information

Proband id 2757
Systematic Name
Protein name
intronic variant
Alternate systematic Name
Alternate Protein name
intronic variant
Genomic nomenclature
Mutation type intronic variation
Domain intronic
Pathogenicity Mutation associated with disease
Evidence of Pathogenicity
Detection DHPLC
Extent exon 1
Source of DNA blood
Carrier N
Carrier result
Other mutations NK
X-inactivation results
X-inactivation relatives
Gender Female
Sporadic/Familial sporadic
Phenotype-class Rett syndrome-classical
Reference Deleterious mutations in exon 1 of MECP2 in Rett syndrome:Quenard, A., Yilmaz, S., Fontaine, H., Bienvenu, T., Moncla, A., des Portes, V., Rivier, F., Mathieu, M., Raux, G., Jonveaux, P, Philippe, C.:European Journal of Medical Genetics: 16829352

Matching entries in the proband database

No: Systematic Name Protein name Gender Carrier result Phenotype Proband id Reference
1 c.-99+2_-99+3delTG intronic variant Female de novo Rett syndrome-classical 3866 Novel exon 1 mutations in MECP2 implicate isoform MeCP2_e1 in classical Rett syndrome:Saunders, C.J., Minassian, B.E., Chow, E.W.C., Zhao, W., Vincent, J.B.:Am J Med Genet Part A: 19365833
2 c.-99+2_-99+3delTG intronic variant Female Rett syndrome-classical 2757 Deleterious mutations in exon 1 of MECP2 in Rett syndrome:Quenard, A., Yilmaz, S., Fontaine, H., Bienvenu, T., Moncla, A., des Portes, V., Rivier, F., Mathieu, M., Raux, G., Jonveaux, P, Philippe, C.:European Journal of Medical Genetics: 16829352
3 c.-99+2_-99+3delTG intronic variant Female de novo Rett syndrome-classical 2800 Mutations in exon 1 of MECP2 are a rare cause of Rett syndrome:Amir, R.E., Fang, P., Yu, Z., Glaze, D.G., Percy, A.K., Zoghbi, H.Y., Roa, B.B., Van den Veyver, I.B.:Journal of Medical Genetics: 15689438