Proband information

Proband id 2646
Systematic Name
Protein name
Alternate systematic Name
Alternate Protein name
Genomic nomenclature
Mutation type missense
Domain MBD
Pathogenicity Unknown
Evidence of Pathogenicity
Detection direct
Extent Exons 2-4
Source of DNA blood
Carrier NC
Carrier result
Other mutations NK
X-inactivation results
X-inactivation relatives
Gender Female
Sporadic/Familial not known
Phenotype-class Rett syndrome-not certain
Reference Rett Syndrome: Clinical and molecular characterization of two Brazilian patients:Stachon, A., Assumpção, F.B. Jr, Raskin, S.:Arq Neuropsiquiatr: 17420824

Matching entries in the proband database

No: Systematic Name Protein name Gender Carrier result Phenotype Proband id Reference
1 c.289G>T p.Asp97Tyr Female Rett syndrome-Not certain 28 MeCP2 mutations in children with and without the phenotype of Rett Syndrome:Hoffbuhr, K., Devaney, J. M., LaFleur, B., Sirianni, N., Scacheri, C., Giron, J., Schuette, J., Innis, J., Marino, M., Philippart, M., Narayanan, V., Umansky, R., Kronn, D., Hoffman, E. P., and Naidu, S.:Neurology: 11402105
2 c.289G>T p.Asp97Tyr Female Rett syndrome-Classical 1221 Mutation analysis of MECP2 and clinical characterization in Korean patients with Rett syndrome:Chae, Jong Hee, Hwang, Yong, Seung and Kim, Ki Joong:Journal of Child Neurology: 11913567
3 c.289G>T p.Asp97Tyr Female Rett syndrome-not certain 2646 Rett Syndrome: Clinical and molecular characterization of two Brazilian patients:Stachon, A., Assumpção, F.B. Jr, Raskin, S.:Arq Neuropsiquiatr: 17420824
4 c.289G>T p.Asp97Tyr Female absent in mother Rett syndrome-Classical 4346 Identification and characterization of novel sequence variations in MECP2 gene in Rett syndrome patients:Monnerat, L.S., Moreira, A.D.S., Alves,M.C.V., Bonvicino, C.R., Vargas, F.R.:Brain & Development: 20031356