Proband information

Proband id 2134
Systematic Name
Protein name
Alternate systematic Name
Alternate Protein name
Genomic nomenclature
Mutation type Missense
Domain TRD
Pathogenicity Polymorphism not causing disease
Evidence of Pathogenicity
Detection Not known
Extent Exons 2-4 (at least)
Source of DNA Blood or skin
Carrier Y
Carrier result Father has variation
Other mutations N
X-inactivation results
X-inactivation relatives
Gender Female
Sporadic/Familial Not known
Phenotype-class Rett syndrome-Classical
Reference :Cardiff, UK::

Matching entries in the proband database

No: Systematic Name Protein name Gender Carrier result Phenotype Proband id Reference
1 c.633G>C p.Arg211Ser Female Father has variation Rett syndrome-Classical 2134 :Cardiff, UK::
2 c.633G>C p.Arg211Ser Male Relative of proband Not Rett synd. 2135 :Cardiff, UK::
3 c.633G>C p.Arg211Ser Unknown Not Rett synd. 5189 MECP2 gene study in a large cohort testing of 240 female patients and 861 healthy controls (519 females and 342 males):Maortua, H., Martinez-Bouzas, C., Garcia-Ribes, A., Martinez, M.-J., Guillen, E., Domingo, M.-R., Calvo, M.-T., Guitart, M., Gabau, E., Botella, M.-P., Gener, B., Rubio, I., Lopez-Ariztegui, M.-A., Tejada, M.-I.:J Mol Diagn: 23810759