CDKL5 Variant

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Variant ID: cm14
Systematic name: c.-440G>T
Protein name: p.=
Alternate name(s): 5'UTR variation
Mutation type: 5'UTR variation
Domain: 5'UTR
Pathogenicity class: variant of uncertain significance

First reference: Evans, J.C., Archer, H.L., Colley, J.P., Ravn, K., Bieber Nielsen, J., Kerr, A., Williams, E., Christodoulou, J., Gecz, J., Jardine, P.E., Wright, M.J., Pilz, D.T., Lazarou, L., Cooper, D.N., Sampson, J.R., Butler, R., Whatley, S.D., Clarke, A.J. (2005) Early onset seizures and Rett-like features associated with mutations in CDKL5. Eur J Hum Genet 13:1113-1120. Pubmed ID: 16015284

Comments: no parental testing, unreported SNP

Variant last updated on: 2018-06-05 14:40:30

Matching entries in the proband database

cDNA name Protein name Phenotype Gender Reference Proband ID
c.-440G>T p.= Rett syndrome - Rett-like male Male 16015284, Evans et al (2005) cp23

Displaying a total number of 1 proband entries matching this variant.